Stress Release & Self Care

By Kim LaPaglia (other events)

Wednesday, February 12 2020 5:15 PM 6:15 PM CDT


We are 2 months into 2020.  How are your resolutions going?  What are you doing differently this decade?

One thing we can all benefit from, in every aspect of life, is less stress.  When you are less stressed your life and work get easier and you perform better.

The issue is that people don't truly understand how stress works and therefore are unable to release it.  Stress is stored in the subconscious body; you must work with the subconscious body to release it.

Join us to learn unique tools, techniques and perspectives that truly release chronic stress and manage daily stressors. The activities in the workshop are simple, yet incredibly effective as they work with the subconscious where permanent change occurs.  The protocols are taught so you can use them regularly and can even share them with others.  Once these techniques are learned, you always have quick free easy tools that you can access for the rest of your life.

And, it doesn't stop there!!!!  After the workshop you'll have access to a private online group, and 3 months of short fun 1-3 minute weekly videos that build-on what you learned in the workshop.  This follow-up is as valuable, if not more important, than the workshop itself.  The follow-up ensures that you fully integrate what you learned and that you continually progress on your path.

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